🐣 Cherubs Parade (All Rooms) – 10:00 AM. Tuesday 4th of April/ R.S.V.P with Lisa.
🐣 Cherubs Preschool Class & Banora Primary – 9:00 AM. Thursday 6th of April/ Permission slips available.
“On Tuesday, the fourth of April,
The Cherubs preschoolers will thrill,
With their Easter hats so grand,
In the Whole Centre Parade, they will stand.
Feathers, ribbons, and eggs galore,
Each hat unique, no two will bore,
The children will beam with delight,
As they march and twirl in the light.

Then on Thursday, the sixth of April,
Banora Point Primary will invite them still,
To join their Easter hat parade,
Excitement in the Cherubs’ hearts will cascade.
Representing Cherubs ELC,
The preschoolers will march proudly,
With their hats and smiles so bright,
They will be a wondrous sight.
As they parade through the school,
The students will cheer, it will be so cool,
A wonderful day they will have,
Thanks to Cherubs, they will be glad.
So let’s celebrate these special dates,
And the joy that they will create,
For the Cherubs preschoolers so true,
Easter hats and fun, they surely knew.”